カンタンの里 | Habitat of the Kantan (Oecanthus longicauda)

カンタン (Oecanthus longicauda) は極東に分布するコオロギ科もしくはカンタン科に分類される昆虫です。体長約1.5センチ、細長く薄緑色で、ススキ、ヨモギ、フヨウなど背の高い草むらを好みます。

Kantan (Oecanthus longicauda) is an insect classified in Grylloidea or Kantan family, distributed in the Far East. It's about 1.5 centimeters body length, thin and pale green, and likes tall grasses such as pampas grass, Japanese mugwort, and hibiscus.


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かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.