リカちゃんマンホール | Licca-chan manhole covers

1924年に創業、葛飾区に本社を置く玩具メーカー、タカラトミーは、は2017年に葛飾区と、「葛飾区とタカラトミーの連携・協力に関する協定書」を締結しました。これまでに、車体内外にリカちゃんのデザインを施したバスを運行したり、ミニカー「トミカNo.48 日野プロフィア葛飾トラック」を製作したりしています。新たな連携企画として、タカラトミーの代表的な製品であるリカちゃんとトミカのデザインのマンホール蓋が、タカラトミー本社はじめグループ社屋がある立石・青戸地域設置されました。

Takara Tomy (TOMY COMPANY,LTD.), founded in 1924, is a very famous toy maker headquartered in Katsushika City. Takara Tomy had signed the agreement of cordination/cooperation between Katsushika City in 2017. MPANY,LTD.), founded in 1924, is a very famous toy maker headquartered in Katsushika City. Takara Tomy had signed the agreement of cordination/cooperation between Katsushika City in 2017. So far, it operated buses designed by Licca-chan inside and outside the car body, and produced the miniature car "Tomica No.48 Hino Profia Katsushika Truck". As a new collaborative project, manhole covers designed by Licca-chan and Tomica, which are representative products of Takara Tomy, are set in Tateishi / Aoto area, where the Takara Tomy headquarters and group buildings are located.


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かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.