半田稲荷神社狐一対 | Fox pair at Handa Inari Jinja

[ 葛飾区登録有形文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible cultural properties ]

東京都葛飾区東金町4丁目28-22 半田稲荷神社

4-28-22 Handa Inari Jinja, Higashikanamachi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

日本の言い伝えでは、狐は稲荷神からの使者です。左右台座正面には「寛延元年(1748)成辰年十一月吉日 海野・坂本・筒井氏」とありますが、側面には「天明八季(1788)成申八月吉日 飯塚桃葉再興」とあります。台座のみ再興か、狐も含めて再興かは不明です。一部セメントによる修復がありますが、区内にある狐の石像としては現在のところ最古のものです。飯塚桃葉は江戸時代の蒔絵師で徳島藩に召し抱えられ、印籠・文箱・盆・鞍など優れた作品を残しています。中でも『宇治川蛍蒔絵料紙硯箱』(宮内庁所蔵)は格調高い作品です。

In Japanese legend, the fox is a messenger from the Inari Diety. It is written on the front of both left and right pedestals, "November 1748 (Kannen first), Umino, Sakamoto, Tsutsui", but on the side, also written "Restored by Iizuka Toyo in 1788 (Tenmei 8th)". It is unclear whether restored only the pedestal or including the fox too. This is the oldest stone image of the fox in Katsushika although there are restorations by some cement. Iizuka Toyo was a Makie painter in the Edo period, he left outstanding works such as Inro (pill case), Fumibako (letter hold box), Bon (tray), Kura (horse saddle). Among them, especially "Ujigawa Hotaru Makie Ryoshi Suzuribako (Inkstone and paper case coverd by Makie of Uji river firefly)" (Collection of the Imperial Household Agency) is a magnificent work.

撮影日 | Date of photo


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