南葛八十八ヶ所霊場 | Nankatsu 88 sacred place

南葛八十八ヶ所霊場は、大正時代に旧南葛飾郡地域(葛飾区・江戸川区・ 墨田区の一部・江東区の一部・足立区の一部)に整備された霊場です。当時、四国八十八ヶ所などは一般庶民には容易に行くことが出来なかったので、霊場を身近に作り巡拝しました。葛飾区内にも五つの番外も含め約六十ヶ所が設置されました。


 『南葛八十八ケ所御詠歌集』 奥戸大師善紹寺 編 1979年

 『新四国八十八ケ所霊場地絵地図』 田辺恵司 著 2005年

Nankatsu 88 sacred places were pilgrimages established in the former South Katsushika area(Katsushika, Edogawa, part of Sumida, part of Koto, part of Adachi) in Taisho era. Because at that time, ordinary people could not easily go to the Shikoku 88 sacred places (located over 500 km away from Tokyo), so they made those near from their village and worshiped instead. In Katsushika, about 60 places were set including 5 extras.

Based on the two documents as below, I have compiled a total of 88 temples and 6 extra temple with actually visiting. Some of sacred places do not exist now or have been relocated to other locations. The information on this page would be revised and updated as necessary.

 "Nankatsu Hachijyuhakkasho goeikashu" Okudodaishi Zensho-ji, 1979

 "Shinshikoku Nankatsu Hachijyuhakkasho Reijo echizu" Keiji Tanabe, 2005

かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.