おりつ地蔵尊 | Oritsu Jizo

東京都葛飾区柴又4丁目8-14 柴又駅前

4-8-14 (in front of the Shibamata St.), Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


In the early Showa era (1920's), there were five children in poor families, and the third Ritsuko (called Oritsu) was put up for adoption. She met with the accident and returned to her parents house at the age of five. However, somehow parents abused innocent her, in the result her father beat and killed her and buried the body under the floor. One year later, he gave himself up to the police by the pangs of conscience. The thought of the neighboring residents to her died in an unfortunate became a loud voice, and this Jizo was built for a memorial for her soul.

撮影日 | Date of photo

2010-04-03, 2018-05-20

かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.