葛西清重墓 | The Grave of Kasai Kiyoshige

[ 東京都指定旧跡 | Tokyo Metropolitan-designated landmarks ]

東京都葛飾区四つ木1丁目25-8 西光寺墓地内

1-25-8 Saikou-ji cemetery, Yotsugi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

葛西清重(1162-1238)は、鎌倉時代前記の御家人です。葛西氏は平安時代末期から下総国葛西地域に勢力をもつ豪族でした。清重は、源頼朝の挙兵に応じて平氏追討のために西国に赴き、また奥州藤原氏征伐にも参加して功績を挙げ、奥州惣奉行として奥州支配の任に当たりました。そののちも、梶原景時の乱の鎮圧に功を成し、壱岐守まで進みました。草創期の鎌倉幕府において、頼朝の信任の厚い重臣でした。この墓は、清重の墓と伝えられているものです。 (東京都教育委員会)

This is said to be the grave of Kasai Kiyoshige. Kasai Kiyoshige (1162-1238) is a retainer in the early Kamakura period. The Kasai family had influence over Kasai District Shimousa Province. Kiyoshige participated in the search for killing Taira clan in response to rising an army by Minamoto Yoritomo in western Japan and also in the subjugation of Oshu Fujiwara clan. Rendered distinguished services in them, he was promoted to Oshu Sobugyo (temporary magistrate of Oshu are) and ruled over Oshu. Subsequently, he ultimately rose to a load of Iki due to his suppression of Fujiwara Kagetoki Rebellion. He was placed full confidence by Minamoto Yoritomo, and one of chief retainer of the Kamakura Shogunate in its beginning. (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education)

撮影日 | Date of photo


かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.