柴又帝釈天 彫刻ギャラリー | Shibamata Taishakuten Sculpture Gallery

[ 葛飾区登録有形文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible cultural properties ]

東京都葛飾区柴又7丁目10-3 帝釈天

7-10-3 Taishakuten, Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo



金子光清 作

The Offering of a Stupa

At this time, Sun-Moon-Light Buddha (Chandrasuryapradipa) released a bright ray of light from his forehead and illuminated eighteen thousand Buddha worlds to the East. And in those Buddha worlds, it is clearly visible that offerings of stupas are practiced. That this kind of spectacle can be observed, signals that the “Lotus Sutra” would soon be expounded.

Sculptor: Kosei Kaneko



木嶋江運 作

Three Carts and a Burning House

The three carts are respectively drawn by a sheep, a deer, and a cow, and the burning house represents our troubled world. We people are like children busily playing in what is a burning house, without any fears. The three carts were readied by their caring farther to rescue them.

Sculptor: Koun Kijima



石川信光 作

Thoughtful Rain, Equal Moisture

The deeply benevolent teaching of the Buddha similar to the gentle rain that everywhere dampens soil. Here, the God of lightning and the God of wind appear, and together they let it rain. The great earth is then embraced with a blanket of foliage in which varieties of flowers proudly bloom. With this, the heavenly beings also joyfully dance down to the paradise below.

Sculptor: Shinko Ishikawa



横谷光一 作

The Practices of the Keepers of the Teaching

In India, keepers of Buddha’s teaching practiced austerities in the forest and in caves. But with the lurking danger of tigers and the loneliness of solitude, continuing one’s austerities wad difficult. So, to encourage the practitioners there would be occasions where Buddha would suddenly appear standing before them or Universal-Sage Bodhisattva (Samantabhadra) would appear riding a white elephant.

Sculptor: Koichi Yokoya



石川銀次朗 作

The Appearance of the Tower of Treasures

Where there exists faith in the “Lotus Sutra”, the Tower of Treasures, that of Many-Treasured Buddha (Prabhutartans) is said to rise up from under the ground, and applaud the people’s faith in the teaching. People’s would be around with enthusiasm, and all would respectfully bow towards the tower, with their faces radiating blissfully.

Sculptor: Ginjiro Ishikawa



加府藤正一 作

A Rare Opportunity to Serve

There once was a sage by the name of Asita who retained the sacred teaching of the “Lotus Sutra”. “For a thousand years, I dedicated myself to the service of this sage, drawing water, gathering firewood, picking fruits, and at times, I even offered myself as this man’s seating. All these austerities, I have done, just for the sake of learning the “Lotus Sutra”.

Sculptor: Shoichi Kabuto



山本一芳 作

Attainment of Buddhahood by the Daughter of a Dragon-king

The “Lotus Sutra” claims that women can attain Buddhahood. Here, a daughter of a dragon-king, just eight years of age, superior in wisdom, and eloquent in her utterances is said to have grasped many teachings, and to have reached a state of unshakable presence. As they meet upon a wave, the Dragon-King’s daughter respectfully offers the Buddha a jewel.

Sculptor: Ippo Yamamoto



今関光次 作

Immediate Recovery From Illnesses

The “Lotus Sutra” is the remedy for the illnesses of all the people in this world. When and if one falls ill, and should he fortunate enough to hear this “Lotus Sutra”, that individual would be cured instantly, and would assume a state of enduring youth and boundless existence.

Sculptor: Koji Imazaki




小林直光 作

The Tribulations of Never-Despising Boddhisattva (Sadaparidhuta)

The Merits of the “Lotus Sutra”

Despite Never-Despising Boddhisattva’s endeavor is the practice of “Never Belitting anyone”, he was often ironically met with persecution as he is here. Separately, much as fire is kindled during the cold, as a parent returns, to be with their child, as a vessel is provided for a crossing, or as light brightens the darkness the “Lotus Sutra” points to the path of salvation.

Sculptor: Naomitsu Kobayashi



加藤寅之助 作

Guardians of Keepers of the Teaching

To retain, read, memorize, teach, and copy the “Lotus Sutra” is referred to as the five essential austerities of keeper of Buddha’s teachings. First, one must pledge to preserve the teachings, read it, memorize it, preach and reveal it, and copy it. In so doing, the “Lotus Sutra” is disseminated. The keepers of Buddha’s teachings, these who practice these austerities, are protected by the heavenly beings and demons (Asura) alike.

Sculptor: Toranosuke Kato


All descriptions are quoted from the gallery's one

撮影日 | Date of photo

2010-08-14, 2018-02-12

かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.