解念仏供養碑 | Memorial monument for praying at lunch to the Buddha

[ 葛飾区登録有形文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible cultural properties ]

東京都葛飾区新宿2丁目4-13 西念寺

2-4-13 Sainen-ji, Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


This memorial monument is a high relief Buddha on the boat shaped stone for memorial service of Tokinenbutsu. Tokinenbutsu is the gathering for nenbutsu chanting before lunch. It seemed built in the Kyoho 7th (1722).

撮影日 | Date of photo


かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.