女人橋関係石材一括 | Memorial bridge stone by women's faith group (praying for woman's soul die at birth)

[ 葛飾区登録有形民俗文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible folk cultural properties ]

東京都葛飾区堀切2丁目25-21 極楽寺

2-25-21 Gokuraku-ji, Horikiri, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


In the mid of Edo era, generaly there are many creatiions such as tower and signposts, therefore bridge stone is unusual. It is memorial for woman's soul die at childbirth, seems a lot of people were watering, because it has been believed tha she can go to heaven if get water by 1,000 people. It is is valuable material for knowing the courtesy of childbirth at the time.

撮影日 | Date of photo

2016-08-21, 2018-05-06

かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.