曳舟川親水公園 | Hikifunegawa River Park


Kameari 4, Shiratori 2 to 3, Yotsugi 4 to 5, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


It is a park of approximately 3 km extended from the north and south which was maintained with the theme of water on the side of the Hikifune river. Hikifune river is a name in the Katsushika area of Kasai water channel which was built for agricultural development in the Edo period. The name of the river is derived from that a person, a cow or a horse "pulls a boat" (= "Hikifune" in Japanese) with a rope. The park has a water playing field, a natural landscape waterway, a lawn zone, etc. In the northeast of Ohanadyaya Station, there is a open space centered on the lawn. In the natural landscape waterway, aquatic plants are planted, and crayfish are also inhabited. There are many people are walking because of a long north-south park.

撮影日 | Date of photo

2007-04-07, 2007-04-15, 2010-03-30, 2013-01-03, 2016-08-07, 2018-07-01

かつしかあつめ ブログ - Blog of Katsushika Garner

The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.