東京拘置所と煉瓦工場 | Tokyo Detention House and brick factory


In the Meiji 5th (1872), Tokyo Prefecture outsourced the manufacture of bricks to Hachiemon Kawasaki. Mr. Kawasaki set up a brick factory of Western-style Hoffmann kiln on the site of the former Kosuge prefectural office for the first time in Japan to product bricks continuously without extinguishing the fire. It enabled mass production of high quality bricks which were used in brick buildings that symbolize modern Japan, such as Ginza, Marunouchi, the former Ministry of Justice Main Building, and the former Iwasaki Residence. It's also used for the Tokyo Detention House. However, because the brick town area was restricted to Ginza only, the bricks could not be sold well and the factory became difficult to maintain. In the Meiji 11th (1878), the Ministry of Home Affairs purchased a brick factory with its site and moved it under government operation. The Ministry had set up a detention facility on the same site and changed to brick manufacturing as a prison work. In Taisho 11th (1922), the name was changed to Kosuge Prison. After World War II, Kosuge Prison and Tokyo Detention House lived together in Kosuge. That was temporarily moved other location, but Detention House was moved to Kosuge again in Showa 46th (1971) and became the current Tokyo Detention House.


Kosuge 1-35-1, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


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The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.