しばられ地蔵尊 | Shibarare Jizoson (String-Bound Jizo)


This Shibarare Jizoson is a stone Jizo statue made in Genroku 14th (1701). It is enshrined as a Jizo-son who listens to all kinds of wishes such as theft protection, preventing from leaving, evil protection, and marriage. When making a wish, tie it with a rough rope, and when the wish is fulfilled, untie it. On New Year's Eve, all the ropes are unraveled.

東京都葛飾区東水元2丁目28-25 南蔵院

Nanzoin, Higashi-mizumoto 2-28-25, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


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The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.