水原秋桜子句碑 | Haiku poem monument of Mizuhara Shuoushi


Shibamata 7-1181-18, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

水原 秋桜子は、有名な日本の俳人であり、医師・医学博士です。彼は、本名を水原豊(みずはら ゆたか)といい、産婦人科として実家の病院を継ぎ、また宮内省侍医寮御用掛として多くの皇族の子供を取り上げました。 医師として活躍しながら、俳句にも興味を持ち、高浜 虚子(たかはま きょし)に師事し直接の指導を受けていましたが、その後、高浜 虚子と決別し反虚子の代表的な俳人として活躍します。彼は葛飾の自然を愛し、葛飾の句を多く残しました。



MIZUHARA Shuoushi is a famous Haiku poet and doctor of medicine. His real name is MIZUHARA Yutaka, and he took over the hospital of his parents' home as an obstetrics and gynecology department, and assisted in the birth of the many baby of the imperial family as the doctor of Imperial Household Agency. While working as a doctor, he was also interested in Haiku, and studied under TAKAHAMA kyoshi and received direct guidance. However, after that, he broke up with him and being anti-TAKAHAMA kyoshi Haiku poet. He loved the nature of Katsushika and made many Haiku about Katsushika.

" Katsushikaya momo no magaki mo mizuta beri "  (In Katsushika, there are peach blossoms blooming hedges, and those hedges are near the paddy field.)

This Haiku, made in the 1926 (Taisho 15th), is about the beauty of the riverside district Katsushika.


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The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.