青戸平和公園 時計塔 | Aoto Peace Park clock tower

東京都葛飾区青戸4丁目23-1 青戸平和公園

Aoto 4-23-1 Aoto Peace Park, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


Aoto Peace Park is a large park with an area of 19,531m2, which opened in October 1950. On the eastern side of the park, there is a square with a prayer tower wishing for non-nuclear peace, a fountain / water playing field, and a playground equipment corner and a disaster prevention facility on the west side. At the small raised green belt in the park center, there is a tall clock tower with a relief of the dove which is a symbol of peace.


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The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.