キャプテン翼 銅像 石崎了 | Captain Tsubasa's brons statue, Ryo Ishizaki

東京都葛飾区東四つ木4丁目15-10 (四ツ木駅前ポケットパーク)

Higashiyotsugi 4-15-10, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo (Yotsugi St. Pocket Park)


Because the original author of the world-famous soccer manga "Captain Tsubasa", Mr. Yoichi Takahashi, is from Katsushika City, five statues in Yotsugi area, and four statues in Tateishi area, totally nine brons statues of characters have been set in Katsushika City.


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The photographs I have been shooting in Katsushika, Tokyo, also other Japan and overseas.